Italo Romano: (2017.01.30. 11:32)How a bank conquered Washington?
Érthető. A honlapodra angol nyelven felrakott Heidegger kivonatból is legalább annyi érthető, hogy... (2016.12.02. 19:56)Dilthey
Italo Romano:
Why had the promise of the nineteenth century been dashed? Why had much of the twentieth century t... (2016.10.27. 16:46)Eurodollárok, két háború, reciklálás
A Wiki írja: Orhan Pamuk 2006-ban irodalmi Nobel-díjat kapott.
2005-ben különböző török szervezete... (2016.07.13. 18:57)Musza Dagh retro
Italo Romano:
Újabb kutatások szerint ez volt a legrégibb civilizáció, kétezer évvel idősebb, mint gondolták:
ww... (2016.06.04. 21:39)Harappai képek
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Part One:
school or movement of literary criticism initiated by
Jacques Derrida in France, who, in a series of books
published beginning in the late 1960s, launched a major
critique of traditional Western metaphysics.
Deconstruction may be…
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(Baudrillard says:)
We have been reproached for the atomic age – but finally [!] we have managed to suspend the equilibrium of terror and have decisively (?) deferred the conclusive event. Now that dissuasion has succeeded, we have to get used to the idea that there is…
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Hystericizing the Millennium
Jean Baudrillard
The fact that we are entering on a retroactive form of history, that all our ideas, philosophies, mental faculties are progressively adapting themselves to this model, is quite evident. This may just as well be an…
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Jean Baudrillard 's game with the negation of reality
„The novel is a work of art not so much because of its inevitable resemblance with life but because of the insuperable differences that distinguish it from life.- Stevenson
And so is thought! Thought is not so much…
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DAVOS, Switzerland — Alibaba founder Jack Ma thinks America went wrong over the past 30 years by focusing too much on war and Wall Street. Speaking at the World Economic Forum on Wednesday,…